Amalia - Field Grade
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Native southwest hop variety from the genus H. neomexicana. Hop variety with deeply cut leaves and an early cone maturity. Heat & drought tolerant. New species / variety currently being evaluated in our Michigan trials. Could possibly be grown better without drip irrigation. Cold hardiness is still questionable...
*Retail Orders will ship within 7-10 days of purchase after May 1st. Orders placed before May 1st are considered a Spring Pre-Order and will be shipped only once plants are out of dormancy and actively growing.*
*Retail Orders will ship within 7-10 days of purchase after May 1st. Orders placed before May 1st are considered a Spring Pre-Order and will be shipped only once plants are out of dormancy and actively growing.*
Product Profile
Product Description
Each item is one complete dormant crown, or a field-ready plant, depending on time of year: a plant that is a minimum of 1 growing season old with a well developed root system with multiple breaks taken from healthy vigorous stock. It is professional quality and since it is a live rooted plant, it offers the best chance of successfully growing and producing your favorite varieties of hops.
Native southwest hop variety from the genus H. neomexicana. Hop variety with deeply cut leaves and an early cone maturity. Heat & drought tolerant. New species / variety currently being evaluated in our Michigan trials. Could possibly be grown better without drip irrigation. Cold hardiness is still questionable...
Plant Replacement Policy
*Spring Pre-order - Will ship once 2nd season stock breaks dormancy in the spring and can be properly quality checked. Estimated to ship by April 1st.
*Retail Orders will ship within 7-10 days of purchase after May 1st. Orders placed before May 1st are considered a Spring Pre-Order and will be shipped only once plants are out of dormancy and actively growing.*
Native southwest hop variety from the genus H. neomexicana. Hop variety with deeply cut leaves and an early cone maturity. Heat & drought tolerant. New species / variety currently being evaluated in our Michigan trials. Could possibly be grown better without drip irrigation. Cold hardiness is still questionable...
- Alpha acids: 5.5-9%, Beta 4.2-8.3%, carries a relatively high cohumulone
- Aroma: earthy, strong orange citrus notes- however quite harsh
- Yield: Reported as having medium to high yields, cones are long catkin-type
- Storage stability: Unknown
- Maturity: Early
- Beer styles: Browns, Dark Ales, being used by craft brewers in Colorado
- Grower notes: Heat tolerant and not suitable in cool wet climates and soils. Long cones lower pick-ability. This species does poorly under constant drip irrigation and needs a complete re-think on hop field culture compared to H. lupulus varieties. May allow commercial hop production in areas southern areas that were considered too hot previously.
- Fully rooted plant - NOT a rhizome. A rhizome is a part of a hop plant's root system that grows horizontally underground putting out shoots.
Plant Replacement Policy
*Spring Pre-order - Will ship once 2nd season stock breaks dormancy in the spring and can be properly quality checked. Estimated to ship by April 1st.
*Retail Orders will ship within 7-10 days of purchase after May 1st. Orders placed before May 1st are considered a Spring Pre-Order and will be shipped only once plants are out of dormancy and actively growing.*
*Actual plant sizes may vary between varieties. Pictures depict plants shipped at different times of the year; actively growing, or dormant and are for reference only.