- Hallertau MF - Field Grade
Hallertau MF - Field Grade
per item
Hallertau MF
Traditional German noble aroma types. Very low bittering values. Called for in many beer purists’ classic beer recipes and in premium beers. Requires well -drained acidic soils, high in humic acids. Short sidearms 12-30”. Intolerant of hot summer temps during coning phase. High phosphorus levels combined with higher soil pH can cause deficiencies of zinc & manganese in these German hops.
Traditional German noble aroma types. Very low bittering values. Called for in many beer purists’ classic beer recipes and in premium beers. Requires well -drained acidic soils, high in humic acids. Short sidearms 12-30”. Intolerant of hot summer temps during coning phase. High phosphorus levels combined with higher soil pH can cause deficiencies of zinc & manganese in these German hops.
Product Profile
Product Description
Hallertau MF
Traditional German noble aroma type. Very low bittering values. Called for in many beer purists’ classic beer recipes and in premium beers. Requires well -drained acidic soils, high in humic acids. Short sidearms 12-30”. Intolerant of hot summer temps during coning phase. High phosphorus levels combined with higher soil pH can cause deficiencies of zinc & manganese in these German hops.
Plant Replacement Policy
*Spring Pre-order - Will ship once 2nd season stock breaks dormancy in the spring and can be properly quality checked. Estimated to ship by A
Traditional German noble aroma type. Very low bittering values. Called for in many beer purists’ classic beer recipes and in premium beers. Requires well -drained acidic soils, high in humic acids. Short sidearms 12-30”. Intolerant of hot summer temps during coning phase. High phosphorus levels combined with higher soil pH can cause deficiencies of zinc & manganese in these German hops.
- Alpha Acids: 3-5.5%, betas 3.5-5.5%, cohumulone 18-24%, total oils .6-1.0ml/100g, myrcene 3544%, humulene 30-38%, caryophyllene 10-12%
- Aroma: subtle flower and spice, noble
- Yield: Fair 1000-1500 lbs/acre, unless planted high-density
- Maturity: Early harvest. Late spring prunings can affect total yields
- Storage stability: low 55% remaining , refrigerate
- Beer styles: Pilsner, Bock, Lager, Wheat – Bavarian-style beers.
- Grower notes: Good plant structure and growth. Susceptible to crown rots/ wilts in soggy soil conditions or if over-watered, but quite resistant to mildews and pests. Requires acidic soil conditions and dislikes high phosphorus levels.
- Plant spacing: 12’aisles x 28 -36”in-row spacing.
Plant Replacement Policy
*Spring Pre-order - Will ship once 2nd season stock breaks dormancy in the spring and can be properly quality checked. Estimated to ship by A
*Actual plant sizes may vary between varieties. Pictures depict plants shipped at different times of the year; actively growing, or dormant and are for reference only.